All about premium accounts from filehosts: tips, tricks, and special

Turbobit Premium Account Discount

Turbobit Premium for $49 a year, or 20% on all premium accounts!

Fabio Castello How you get one year turbobit premium for only 49usd an 20% discount on all turbobit premium accounts

Turbobit has been around since 2009 and has been convincing users with its affordable premium account prices. But where there’s something cheap, there must be a catch, right? Well, I admit the title was a calculation example. To be precise, you simply get 20% more duration on your Turbobit Premium Account without any additional costs! That means, for $59.95, instead of having a premium account for 12 months, you get it for over 14 months. In terms of calculation, this amounts to $49.95 per year. The trick works with all subscription durations; for instance, with a 6-month Premium Account from Turbobit, you get 7 months for the same price. With the 2-year account, you even get nearly 5 extra months on top!!

To start with, you purchase a Turbobit Premium Account as you normally would, selecting the desired premium subscription plan (I recommend the yearly Turbobit Premium account). Next, choose any payment method, as it doesn’t matter at this stage since we won’t be making a payment in the first attempt.

After selecting a payment method, it’s essential to provide a valid email address that you can access. Now, proceed by clicking “Pay Now.” Once you have been redirected to the payment provider’s page, you can close the window because we are not buying a Premium Account just yet.

What we need to do now is wait for a few hours until the file hosting service sends us an email informing that our payment has failed. That’s alright because Turbobit will also send us a promo code directly, allowing us to give it another try to purchase the Premium Account. This is precisely what we want!

Wait for Turbobit Promo Code Email

You can follow the link in the email to access the Turbobit offer, or you can manually copy the Turbobit promo code and enter it into the “Promo code” field on Turbobit’s “Buy Premium Access” page. Keep in mind that Turbobit’s promo codes are valid for only 3 days. However, now you know how to create a new promo code at any time.

If you want to see what bonus you can get with the promo code, take a look at the table below:

Premium PlanBonus Duration Promo Code
1-Month Turbobit Premium6 days
6-Months Turbobit Premium36 days
1-Year Turbobit Premium73 days
2-Years Turbobit Premium146 days

Check out how Turbobit ranks compared to other file hosts.

If you need assistance or have useful information on the subject, please write me.